Algarve, Portugal



ChantingPortal do Coração Fest
Portal do Coração Fest Canto Devocional Alte Algarve

Portal do Coração Fest

Devotional Chanting Class | June 22 | 11:00 am

I’m sharing with you an event where I’ll be taking part in a devotional chanting class at the Portal do Coração Fest. It will take place at Fonte Grande de Alte in the Algarve on June 22 at 11:00.
If you’re in the Algarve at that time and are interested, it would be great to see you there.
I’d like to thank Cátia Nunes and Neusa Alves – Amor, Luz e Cura for inviting me and for the love and dedication they had and have in manifesting this project, which is one of several that will take place over the next few months.

Each Portal do Coração Fest will be dedicated to an element. This time we will honour the Earth element.

Take the opportunity to get to know this beautiful, typical Algarve village that preserves its original features and is bathed by a crystal-clear stream and its waterfall.

See you soon!

More information at:


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Bem-vind@ à Alma Dádiva

Um espaço que acolhe todos que procuram aprender mais sobre a prática de Yoga ou que pretendem iniciar ou continuar aulas de preces tradicionais indianas ou de canto védico.